Fast away the old year passes

So that was 2023.

Somehow, we managed to squeak in a few live performances before the year ended, and it was quite heartening to hear us side-by-side again, and hear the audience joining in, too. Some of it was familiar, singing at the Vancouver Folk Song Society and Folk Music on the Beach at the Hollyburn Sailing Club. And some of it was quite new — being part of the quasi-historical entertainment at a 17th century “coffeehouse” at Simon Fraser University as students presented their projects over coffee and tarts.

We’re optimistic about the upcoming year and are already looking a couple of performance possibilities. I’m also remembering that a few days after taking photos of the first snowdrops in my neighbourhood, we were hit by snow.

And so it goes. Haul away for better weather and be grateful our route isn’t taking us around Cape Horn.

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